Warsaw & Mermaids

27 ноября 2023 года

I think the best description of Warsaw - Chaotic Heaven. Impossible to understand, but a lot to learn from. At least once, in your life you got this distinguished feeling of surrounding energy, coming from absolute moving of all meaning and -less particles around you. If not, then I think you’re losing something between the lines of life. Do you really never ask yourself, is it a simulation? No? 


Anyway, we are all here today, for some specific reason, right? 

And if one of them - experiencing the most magnificent and colorful world around you, you can try two options. And second of them - visiting Warsaw. (By colorful I mean red vishnovka under the yellow Soviet Gothic Palac Kultury i Sporta and if you don’t understand what it is… I dunno, google, or do some stuff to understand.)

For others, who never experienced any post-soviet activities and maybe don’t feel anything around 1st of January - Just looking on LGBTQTSLAS-FLOP-FLOP (sorry, I love gay people) Pride marching around one of The Biggest BRUTAL Soviet  Symbols - will be considered as a trauma for my grands. (just because they don’t know how far is the actual state of the things around them and it’s fine, because they know something more important) But it’s just here, around you. 

Let’s talk about cultural aspects of life. The main symbol of Warsaw is the Mermaid. Like these mermaids, who sing in the Mediterranean Sea with Greek Cool Guys and hate them for some reason. Other mermaids lived in Norths Seas and partied hard with Vikings. We have had this symbol in our culture for so many centuries, but it’s too hard to understand for people. That culture, that was passed through so many generations, maybe makes sense. Don’t you know someone who partied with Vikings or maybe at least a good singer and swimmer? Fine. Let's go back to Warsaw. And why the Mermaid is a symbol of Warsaw. There are not so many Cool Greek Guys or Vikings, also there is no sea. My main concern - Mermaids on their mid-season migration did some stops here and drink vishnovka. 1000 years ago, 500 years ago, 84 years ago, when the city got the most famous one - The Mermaid, based on the face of poet Krystyna Krahelska. Why the famous? Not because it’s the greatest sculpture of Mermaid, but as in Old World Mythology - “You cannot miss her”. Being placed on the center of Vistula river’s набережной means to concentrate and reflect many eyes and thoughts. And that means being the most memorable e.g. famous one. 

That’s the symbols and that’s the ✨vibes✨. 

Remember, life is a simulation, not because you can control it, but because you can control your experience of it. So, here’s the recipe.

How to become a Mermaid for a weekend.

That’s not a slogan. Actually, it is. 


That’s how it can be and you don’t need anything, except having a wish of being Mermaid and some true vision to experience it. That’s where WaRsAw will help you!

Especially in the winter period, there is no need in finding a good place to stay (usually without the option to sit) in the company of others, who want to have a vision on something. Pjanaja Vishnja will eventually solve any of your conceptuality and soberness questions about morale and chaotic love. You will feel how the red bloody energy of these small berries covers you with warmth and a feeling of true power. 

Before THE 1ST ONE you’ll have the feeling of confidence, that nothing can amaze you anymore. You tried everything. Slay! 💅 You drank tequila, yeah! Girl, naive baby. 👹  You don’t even know…  

You will feel the first sip after a few minutes of thinking that it’s just a glintwein. You’ll start to realize your sickness after this red liquid. And at the end of the first one, you’ll understand how to get more of this overwhelming power✨. Time is coming around you and that’s the first step. Welcome to the Magic World of Conversations between other people around that you can hear, but not participate. Here you can find the songs of your once-in-a-life-time experience and last modern (that’s you like, not some others with their basic taste)

You still wanna become a Mermaid or already want to finish here? You can do whatever you want, because this place is open everyday and there is always something happening. If not - you can make some stuff by yourself, we’re here not only for looking at something, but for a really deep experience of being The Mermaid.

What’s the difference between what you see in Mermaid and You?

  • Opportunity to live underwater? 
  • You can sing and guys will want you? 
  • Being brave? 

Typical Mermaid in Old Mythology is Serena and they basically ask guys to come over into the water. In Disney and stuff they show them as some underwater living entities and sometimes they want to come over for some guy on the ground. And sometimes they need to lose their voice for that. No no no, Warsaw offers you the better opportunity to go out from the Sea (out of nowhere) First of all, your imagination and logic, after 3rd glass of vishnuowka you’ll become brave enough to face that reality is too deep or too complex to care - how you identify yourself, as a Mermaid, or as a Human. It doesn’t matter.

Your current state more or less reflects and copies everything that was hidden under this Old Greek story in Homer’s  Odyssey. The song - Stay High is your hymn. 

You’re realizing the basic and simplest idea - you’re already a Mermaid and always were (even if you don’t agree with that). You’re understanding that not just by feeling the fish tail. 

Reflection of the reality in your mind will have the exactly same experience as a Mermaid when they saw Odissey’s crew on their gorgeous boat with all their red old vine and having a good time, you know… 

Quite pretty guys and you can talk with them. (usually handsome)

You can start to hunt here if you want.

Afterall, what's the big difference between living underwater with other Mermaids✨ and living in some other place with your friends? Because even if you want to be a Mermaid, you still have a wonderful life, where you can read this text.

If this party is not for you, you can find something else in other hundreds of places around Palac Kultury i Sporta in Warsaw, Poland. I know some of them and will tell you later, maybe next time.

Have a good moment of life and love animals, Seva